Laser Europa Cup & Youth Grand Prix 2009 - Results & Reports
Hvar, Croatia:
Laser Standard | Laser Radial | Laser 4.7 |
Vigo, Spain:
Laser Standard | Laser Radial | Laser 4.7 |
The Spanish Europa Cup in Vigo kicked off the Semana Caixanova del Atlántico held at the Real Club Nautico de Vigo.
The Laser Standard fleet counted 23 competitors and after six races sailed, Marko Peresa, winner of the Portuguese Europa Cup the previous weekend, impressed again with a very good performance and took the regatta win again with 13 points. Second place went to Javier Guitan Sarria from Spain with 15 points, while third place went to Croatian Edi Barbalic with 18 points.
The Laser Radial fleet, with 52 competitors, completed 4 races overall. First place went to Adrian Delgado Padilla from Spain with 6 points, second place went to Ignacio Lopez Carcare, also from Spain, with 10 points. Settling in third place was British Jon Emmett with 11 points.
The Laser 4.7 saw 48 competitors battle it out over 4 races. First place went to Spanish Toño Alcazar Lopez with 6 points, followed in second be fellow countryman Federico Burgos Esquivias on 13 points. Third place went to Russian sailor Maxim Nikolaev with 14 points.
For more reports in Spanish please visit the club website.
Stay tuned for an official press release from the club.
Matosinhos, Portugal:
Laser Standard | Laser Radial | Laser 4.7 |
The 30th Matosinhos Sailing Cup welcomed 79 Laser sailors this year. The regatta did not get off to the best start when racing had to be cancelled on the first day (Saturday) due to no wind. On Sunday, despite the foggy conditions and light and unstable winds, the race committee nevertheless managed to complete five races. The regatta finished on a high with good weather on the last day and 7 races completed, meaning that all three rigs completed four races each.
In the 15 competitors strong Laser Standard fleet, Marko Peresa from Croatia took first place, followed by Portugese Jose Tor Jervell in second and Edi Barbalic from Croatia in third place.
The Laser Radial category, the biggest Laser fleet with 43 competitors, was won by Swiss Olympic sailor Nathalie Brugger. Second and third place went to Portuguese sailors Tiago Morais and Martim Pinto respectively.
It was a tight finish for the 21 competitors strong fleet. José Valente (POR) took the first spot with 7 points, followed in second place by Pedro Roque (POR), also on 7 points. Third place went to Gonçalo Gabriel (POR) with 8 points.
Photos: © Sport Club do Porto
Attersee, Austria:
Laser Standard | Laser Radial | Laser 4.7 |
This year's Austrian Europa Cup was sailed as part of the 'Austrian Olympic Classes 09' regatta on lake Attersee. 103 contestants came to contest in the Laser Class, out of around 290 sailors overall also including the Star, 470 and Tornado classes.
Shifting wind, wind and thunder storms threw a few spanners in the works of the race committee and despite 4 scheduled days of racing, only 4 races could be completed overall in the Laser Class.
After the first two days off the regatta were rained off, sailors were greeted by sunshine on Saturday and all races started on time.The Laser Classes was able to catch up, completing 4 races, despite having to contend with strong wind gusts and wind shifts towards the south.
Sunday's scheduled had to be cancelled again due to the lack of wind.
The Europa Cup results include one discard after 4 races sailes, so they are slightly different to the overall results of the 'Austrian Olympic Classes 09'.
At the end of the Austrian Europa Cup, Andreas Geritzer (AUT) took the regatta win with 5 points, followed by Carlo de Paoli from Italy in second place and Matthias Sailer (AUT) in third place. Geritzer was hoping to take the Austrian Laser Title as well, but 6 races were needed to validate the national Laser title.
In the Laser Radial, Sebastian Bühler from Germany won the regatta with 5 points. Jakob Bozic (SLO) came in second place with 8 points. Giovanni Coccoluto (ITA), curent leader of the Laser 4.7 Europa Cup series, jumped into the Radial rig in Attersee and competed well to finish in third place on 9 points.
The Laser 4.7 class saw only 7 competitors, with Tim Podlogar (SLO) winning all four races! Lauro Ramazotti from Italy came in scond place, followed by Patrik Car from Croatia in third.
Photos: Courtesy of Georg Flödl/UYCAs
Puck, Poland:
Laser Standard | Laser Radial | Laser 4.7 |
Eight races were sailed in the Polish Europa Cup in Puck. 101 competitors battled it out in the three different rigs.
The Laser Standard category counted 22 competitors and saw Wojciech Zemke (POL) deliver a great performance. Zemke, who came 3rd in the recent European Laser Standard Youth Championship in Sweden, continued to deliver results on his home turf, scoring 4 bullets over 8 races and winning the regatta with 8 points only. Second and third place went to fellow countrymen Jakub Dumara with 14 points and Marek Izdebski with 20 points.
In the Laser Radial fleet, the final placings were tight, but Marcin Rudawski (POL) managed to snatch the regatta win with 15 points, one point ahead of Belarusian Tatiana Drozdovskaya, 2007 ISAF World Champion in the Laser Radial. Third place went to Filip Kobielski (POL) with 18 points.
The Laser 4.7 category represented the biggest fleet with 43 contestants from Poland, Norway, Czech Republic, Lithuania and Belarus.
The end scores in this fleet were even tighter, with both Aleksandra Dzik (POL) and Stanisław Klimaszewski (POL) finishing on 17 points. But with 1 more bullet scored throughout the regatta Dzik took the overall regatta win. It's a great result for Dzik who also recently finished within the top 20 at the European Laser 4.7 Youth Championship in Finland. Third place went to Damian Pietruszewski (POL) with 33 points after he finished the regatta with 2 bullets.
Photos: Courtesy of Piotr Rumanowski and Krzysztof Pochwala
For more photos of the regatta, please visit the club website.
Nieuwpoort, Belgium:
Laser Standard | Laser Radial | Laser 4.7 |
Day 1 - 23rd July 2009:
Race 1:
The racing committee postpones the start and the different fleets get under way in a fair wind starting at 14kn and decreasing to 10kn and oscillating between 250° and 260°. Due to a high current speed (1,5kn and over) the R.C. overestimated the Laser's speed and the first race is sailed in 90 minutes.
Race 2:
Having learnt their lesson the R.C. shortens the course to 0,55NM for the windward leg. The Standard fleet starts correctly but a 20° wind shift forces the R.C. to break off the starting procedure. One general recall later the Radial fleet followed by the 4.7 get on their way. Wind strengthens again to 14-16kn and all fleets enter under a glowing sun.
Glorious sailing conditions today!
Day 2 - 24th July 2009:
During the sailor and coach briefing our meteo officer Joep Straus predicted 14 kn to 17 kn of wind but a trough comes near to us which carries 24 kn to 28 kn of wind. Therefore the R.C. decided to postpone racing with 2 hours. After initial postponement and many showers with strong wind gusts the R.C. abandonned racing for the remainder of the day. As we've got a better weather forecast for the coming next two days we'll try to catch up by doing 3 races instead of 2 per day.
Day 3 - 25th July 2009:
Race 1
The weather conditions for today predicted great sailing. Due to the spring conditions which result in very low water levels the plan was to start a half hour later, i.e. 13h30. The launch at 12h00 went smoothly and it took only half an hour to get all competitors on their way. Out there a 12 kn to 14 kn of westerly wind blew. A helicopter was keeping a watchfull eye on the fleet. For most of us it's quite unusual and a bit noisy but we hope to get some exciting shots from it. Then at 13h30, spot on time, the warning signal for the Laser Standard fleet was given. The Laser Radial needed one general recall and the Laser 4.7 followed in a race that was sailed in ca. 45 minutes.
Race 2
The Laser Standard fleet started as soon they were ready for the second race of the day. The wind and the bouys were still the same, the current had its full NE power. Shortly after the Laser Radial fleet succeeded in starting without a general recall closely followed by the Laser 4.7 fleet. Although we measured only winds of 10 kn to 14 kn and had waves not higher than 0,75 m there was a lot of material failure: 2 masts broken, a broken main block, a broken vang block, etc.
Race 3
At 16h05 the Laser Standard fleet takes its start and for the first time in 5 races two boats have got OCS. In unchanged conditions Laser Radials, after their general recall, and Laser 4.7 started for the last race of day. One BFD was noted with the Radials. In a glorious sunshine and winds between 10 kn and 12 kn this sailing day ends in perfect conditions.
A tomato soup awaits the competitors after beaching. As there wer no protests, it was a very happy day not only for the competitors but also for coaches and the racing and protest committee.
- by Paul Charlier, PRO.
Day 4 - 26th July 2009:
Race 1
After a last and short meteo briefing the slipway was opened at 8h30, quite a bit earlier than the other days. Thanks to a favorable current the sailors were rapidly in the vicinity of the start boat. A shifty southerly wind and a relatively strong cross current made things difficult for the race committee. The windward mark was dropped at 0,65NM in a direction of 170° and the Laser Standard started on time. The Laser Radial needed a second start after a general recall and the Laser 4.7 started shortly thereafter.
Race 2
The Standard fleet gets its second start only an hour after their first one in the same circumstances. The Radial fleet had again a general recall. Then the wind shifted ca. 25° so the race committee had to change the course. During this procedures the wind changed again and finally the race committee places the course for a wind of 180°. This took considerable time in which the Laser fleet finished its second race and they could start immediately after the Laser 4.7 second race.
Race 3
The Radial fleet started (under black flag after a general... will they ever learn?) but the wind shifted again. What was first tought to be a cloud effect appeared to be lasting. The race had to be cancelled and resailed. The new course was laid for a wind of 220° and only 20 minutes before the time limit the last start was given for the Laser 4.7.- by Paul Charlier, PRO.
In the Laser Standard the close racing between Wannes Van Laer (BEL) and Joaquin Blanco (ESP) continued. Wannes finished twice before Joaquin which made the last race decisive. However in the last race Joaquin won. With equal points and an equal number of first and second places Joaquin won the regatta thanks to his last race. Lander Balcaen (BEL) became third. With a second and a first place Marcin Rudawski (POL) extended his lead in the Laser Radial and didn't need a third race to win the regatta. Sam Vandormael (BEL) became second and first youth sailor (under 17, under 19). Anthony Pieters (BEL) was third. In the Laser 4.7 race Matthias Van de Loock (BEL) kept his lead before Tom Pelsmaekers (BEL) and Nicola Strehle. Maxim Nikolaev (RUS) was the first youth sailor (Under 16).
Photos: © Koen Meeusen, Freddy Orban and Morris Adant ([email protected])
Warnemünde, Germany:
Laser Standard | Laser Radial | Laser 4.7 |
The smile of Jonasz Stelmaszyk was very bright. After winning the Laser Europe Cup 2009 in the Olympic Laser Standard class, the Pole, quickly went home to pass his exams between Kiel Week and his start in Warnemuende. And he was on a winning streak. He could defend his lead in the fleet of 75 Olympic Laser Standard sailors (from 15 nations) on Tuesday and scored the biggest victory of his career. "I have learned my lesson in the very first race here, and later sailed more conservatively and took no more risks - that was successful", the 24 year old sailor said. "I like these light and tricky conditions and think this success is a good motivation for the upcoming Europeans in Sweden", said Stelmaszyk.
Mike Bullot (NZL) had hoped for one more chance to close up to the Pole. But despite some start attempts no more races could be ended on course Foxtrott due to lack of wind on the last day of racing and Bullot stayed second.
On course Bravo, where the Laser Radials and 4.7 sailed, races where possible. Fanni Péch from Hungary lost her lead on the last day in the Laser 4.7 class, and Hermann Tomasgaard took the victory in the end. Péch became best woman on rank six.
In the class Laser Radial class John Emmet (GBR) added the third Laser Cup victory in Warnemuende to his sailing vita. "The last race was tricky and I lost my lead when I got caught in a bunch of boats, but it all went well in the end", he said happily. Sarah Steyaert from France finished first in the woman's ranking.The next race in Laser Europe Cup 2009 is going to take place from 23rd - 26th of July in Nieuwpoort, Belgium: the place that was venue of the 2008 European Laser Senior Championships.
Photos: © "Warnemünder Woche / Pepe Hartmann"
Aabenraa, Denmark:
Laser Standard | Laser Radial | Laser 4.7 |
Over 80 sailors came to the Aabenraa sailing club to battle it out in the Danish Europa Cup. It turned out to be a truly international event. In the Laser Standard class, local sailor Kristian Kjaergard took the first place, followed by Korean sailor Jee Min Ha in second place and Australian sailor Ashley Brunning in third place.
In the Laser Radial fleet, it was a very tight finish in the top ranks. Irish sailor Matthew O'Dowd took the top spot with 27 points, just ahead of Jon Emmett from Great Britain who fell in second place with 28 points. In third place, Polish Arian Aleksander with 29 points. Also on 29 points, Danish sailor Alberte Holm Lindberg scored 4th overall and took 1st place in the Laser Radial Women's category.
The 11 sailors strong Laser 4.7 fleet was won by Norwegian Henrik Begby with 22 points, followed by Tadeusz Kubiak (POL) in second place with 25 points and Matias Mikkola (FIN) in third place with 29 points.
Photos: © Kaj Verner Sorensen
Hoorn, Netherlands:
Laser Standard | Laser Radial | Laser 4.7 |
The Dutch Laser class association and the ILE event committee welcomed 160 sailors for its two-day regatta in Hoorn by the Ijslemeer. Six races were sailed accross all three rigs.
In the Laser Standard fleet, Dutch sailors dominated the top ranks. Marc de Haas delivered a great performance, always scoring inside the top three in the first five races. The last race saw him finish in 12th place but with one discard coming into play he finished the regatta in first place on 11 points. Roelof Bouwmeester improved on his 6th place finish in Hyères, scoring two bullets in race 2 and 3 and so securing a second place finish on 22 points. It was a close fought last race for the final podium spot: Hyères winner Eduardo van Gianen and Scarlino winner Rutger van Schaardenburg went into the last race on equal points. In the end, van Gianen finished the race in third place, beating van Schaardenburg to the third place overall by one point with a score of 26 points.
In the Laser Radial, girls continued to dominate the fleet. Anneliese Murphy from Ireland, newcomer to the 2009 Laser Europa Cup series, did not get off to the best start with a 32nd place finish in the first race, but then scored consistently high for the remainder of the regatta. A first and third place in the final races put her at the top of the leader board with 20 points. Dutch Marit Bouwmeester, runner-up in Scarlino and winner in Hyères, too delivered a consistent performance, finishing the regatta in second place on 23 points. Third place went to Maarten Max Moerman from the Netherlands who finished the regatta on 29 points.
In the Laser 4.7 fleet, Italian Giovanni Coccoluto continued his Europa Cup success story. After a 6th place in the first race, things were on the up for Coccoluto who went on to score three 1st places, one 2nd place and one 3rd place, finishing the regatta in first place on eight points. Another sailor to watch is Hidde van der Molen from the Netherlands. Having already achieved a second place in Scarlino and a fourth place in Hyères, van der Molen delivered an amazing performance this weekend, consistently scoring in the top three and finishing the regatta in second place on 11 points. Third place was taken by Matias Mikkola from Finland with 17 points, a brilliant achievement and a huge leap from a 12th place in Lugano and 44th place in Scarlino.
Hyères, France:
Laser Standard | Laser Radial | Laser 4.7 |
351 Laser sailors gathered at the south coast of France to battle it out at the annual Laser Europa Cup in Hyères. The majority of the regatta saw light wind conditions which perked up to over 15 knots on the final day.
In the Laser Standard rig, Dutch sailor Eduardo van Gianen took first place with 39 points, followed by fellow countryman Gijs Pelt on 57 points. Third place went to Rodrigue Cabaz from France.
In the Laser Radial fleet, Dutch Marit Bouwmeester delivered a fantastic performance over 9 races, scoring 4 first places. Although the last race proved difficult for the 28 year old finishing in 66th place, but fortunately she was able to discard this score and so ended the regatta in first place on 17 points. Hot on her heels was Dutch sailor Ben Koppelaar who too finished the regatta on 17 points. Third place went to Giacomo Sabbatini from Italy who finished on 20 points.
In the Laser 4.7 fleet, 4.7 star Giovanni Coccoluto from Italy seemed to be going from strength to strength and dominated the race course throughout the regatta. Coccoluto finished the regatta in first place on 22 points, making this his second regatta win in the Europa Cup series this year. Another strong performance came from Juraj Divjakinja from Croatia. After his regatta win in Scarlino, Divjakinja again showed a superb performance and consistently scored in the top 5. With 10 races completed, he was able to discard a 15th place from race 5 and a black flag disqualification from race 6 and so finished the regatta in second place on 20 points. This puts him currently in place 13 of the overall ranking. Third place went to Alberto Palmieri from Italy who finished the regatta in third place and so currently sits in fourth place on the overall leader board.
Scarlino, Italy:
Laser Standard | Laser Radial | Laser 4.7 |
444 crews from 21 nations faced off at La Marina di Scarlino in Maremma Tuscany during the Italian leg of the Europa Cup. The winners: Laser Standard Rutger Van Schaardenburg (NED), Laser Radial Marcin Rudaswki (POL) overall and Marit Bouwmeester (NED) winner in the women's division, second overall. In the Laser 4.7 class Giovanni Coccoluto ITA (Under 18), Federico Tani ITA (Under 16) and Anna Pirogowa RUS (best among the women).
Maremma, Marina di Scarlino, March 31st 2009 - A beautiful sunny day, with winds from the south south west between 8 and 10 knots, wrapped up the Laser Europa Cup organized at La Marina di Scarlino by the Club Nautico Follonica, the Club Nautico Scarlino, by the Lega Navale Italiana di Follonica and Assolaser.
The 6 or 7 races in 4 days, depending on the class, attested to a successful organization, with 444 sailors from 21 countries blanketing the gulf of Follonica Tuscany with their white sails. Once again the race course has proven itself to be one of the best and most technical ones in Italy. Competitors from Austria, Brazil, Canada, Croatia, Czech Republic, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, India, Ireland, Israel, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Russia, Slovenia, San Marino, Switzerland, Tunisia, Turkey, Ukraine and Italy took part in the prize giving ceremony while the sun set behind the island of Elba with Montecristo floating on the horizon. "This has been a major success." summarized at the end of the event Carlo Tosi, General Manager of the Club Nautico Scarlino, "Both the sailors and technical support were very happy with the way racing unfolded and with the reception they got back on land. Athletes got to race in conditions ranging from the sheer survival of the first day, to medium wind on the second and light breezes on the third day. The 40 volunteers who worked on the water, the presidents of the two race committees, the volunteers who served 70 kilos of pasta every day... Everyone has done a great job, working in perfect harmony. "
Standard Class
In first place Dutch Rutger Van Schaardenburg (NED), followed by Italian Marco Gallo and in third place Italian Marco Regolo. A close fought series with the winner leading by only one point and the two Italians at equal points.
Radial Class
In first place Pole Marcin Rudawski (POL), in second position Dutch Marit Bouwmeester and in third Swiss Guillaume Girod. Winner of the women's division Dutch Marit Bouwmeester, followed by Claire Blom (NED) and Francesca Clapcich (ITA).
4.7 Class
In the 4.7 class Italian Giovanni Coccoluto won in the under 18 division, Italian Federico Tani won in the under 16 division and Russian Anna Pirogowa was the best among the girls.
Photos/Videos: (© Roberto Vuilleumier
See lots more pictures at
Watch videos about the Scarlino Europa Cup at and at
Lugano, Switzerland:
Laser Standard | Laser Radial | Laser 4.7 |
135 sailors from all over Europe came to lake Lugano in Switzerland for the first Laser Europa Cup regatta in 2009.
In the Laser Standard fleet, 28 sailors from 10 different countries battled it out in 7 exciting races. Finnish Olympian Pierre Angelo Collura, who started the regatta in 4th place, steadily worked his way up the leader board. At the end of the 3rd day of racing he reached the top spot on 12 points, only three points ahead of German sailor Stefan Hoffmann. Two bullets on the final day of racing firmly put Collura in first place with a final score of 15 points. Hoffmann, who finished the final racing day with a fifth and second race finish, took the second place overall with 23 points. Third place went to Taine Emmanuel from the COYCH yacht club in France with 31 points.
With 65 sailors the Laser Radial rig formed the biggest fleet of the event. Swiss sailor Jonathan Schopfer delivered a magnificent sailing performance, scoring only twice outside the top three over the seven races and finishing the regatta in first place on 13 points. Serious competition for the top spot came from Nenad Bugarin from Croatia who had won the Laser Radial Youth Grand Prix in the Under 17 category in 2008 and who started the regatta with a first and second place finish. Bugarin finally finished the regatta in second place on 22 points and was followed in third place by Swiss contender Guillaume Girod on 27 points.
The 42 sailors in the Laser 4.7 fleet sailed 8 races over the 4 days. Giovanni Coccoluto from Italy, last year's star of the Laser 4.7 Youth Grand Prix was back for more and after 3 impressive race wins on day 3 of the regatta he topped the leader board. But on the final racing day the tables turned when Croatian Juraj Divjakinja scored a 4th and 13th place, enough to slip past Coccoluto into first place with 22 points, merely two points ahead of Coccoluto. Fellow Croatian sailor Luka Jedretic came in third place with 33 points.
More information about this regatta can be found on the club's website