Entry Forms

Most host clubs have their own Europa Cup Entry Forms. The table below lists the links to the host webpages and, where available, directly to the entry form.
If you cannot find an entry form for a host club you can also use ILCA's Generic Entry Form.
Please fax entry forms directly to the organising host club.

Event Date Entry Form
19 - 22 March Lugano, Switzerland http://tsw.matchrace.ch/ECLRegistration.php
27 - 30 March Scarlino (Follonica Bay), Italy http://www.assolaser.org/index.php/entriesonline
30 April - 03 May Hyères, France To enter, download and fill in the Entry Form and email or fax it to the organizers.
Fax: +33(0)494 386 814 or Email: [email protected]
15 - 17 May Hoorn, The Netherlands www.laserklasse.nl/ile
11 - 14 June Aabenraa, Denmark www.aabenraa-sejlclub.dk
04 - 07 July Warnemünde, Germany www.warnemuender-woche.com
23 - 26 July Nieuwpoort, Belgium www.lasergroupbelgium.be
27 - 30 August Puck, Poland www.moksir.puck.pl
02 - 06 September Attersee, Austria http://www.sailingnationals.at/meldung/
11 - 13 September Balatonfüred, Hungary www.laser-sailing.hu
03 - 05 October Matosinhos, Portugal www.matosinhossailingcup.web.pt
09 - 11 October Vigo, Spain www.rcnauticovigo.com
28 - 31 December Hvar, Croatia www.jkzvir.com