District Laser Associations, their neighbours and their Region

It is a good idea to get in touch with other District Laser Associations in your region to exchange information about Laser sailing, promotions, events, and generally to help each other out when necessary. ILCA will of course always be there with a helping hand, but sometimes a fellow District officer from your region might have a better insight into sailing in your area and is able to offer more tailored advice.

You might want to organize a joint event with a neighbouring District or organize training camps at a club in another district.

In regions where there are several District Laser Associations within a substantial area, ILCA may establish a Region. A Region is responsible for co-ordinating inter-District activities and events such as regional championships or Cup series. A Region also represents its member Districts at the ILCA World Council Meeting and may put forward any collective ideas, requests or issues for discussion. Currently, ILCA has established the Regions of Central and South America, North America, Asia Pacific and Europe