Laser - Olympic Worldcup - Semaine Olympique - Hyères FRA - Day 4 - light wind conditions still prevail

This year's 'Semaine Olympique' remains a light wind series,. Racing started yesterday only late in the afternoon. Olympic Champion Paul Goodison GBR continued his convincing comeback in the first race of this season. As day best (5/1), he is now 4 points ahead of Javier Hernandez ESP. Andreas Geritzer AUT follows on third. The silverfleet was dominated by Mike Bullot NZL who won both races of the day. The rankings Laser Standard.
Only four races completed the Radials so far. A consistent series brought Sari Multala FIN on the 1st place till now, leading Fatima Reyes ESP by 4 points. After discard, Ausra Mileviciute LTU with her 2/2/36/1 series will be competing for the lead again. The results Radial and the daily report.

Posted: 29th Apr 2010