Laser - Olympic Worldcup 2016 - Miami Olympic Classes Regatta - Miami FL, USA - Final results

Light and unconstant winds prevailed during the Medal Races of the Miami Worldcup Regatta.
The duel on top of the Lasers Standard ended in favor of the Laser legend Robert Scheidt BRA relegating Jean-Baptiste Bernaz FRA on rank 2. The leader during the whole Miami Race Week, Rutger Van Schaardenburg NED, finished only 9th in the Medal Race and dropped on rank 4 overall behind Sam Meech NZL 3rd at equal points.
Change on top of the Lasers Radial, where Marit Bouwmeester NED trailed behind the fleet after a start collision. Evi Van Acker BEL however terminated the last race on 2nd and climbed on top of the overall ranking passing Bouwmeester NED. Sarah Gunni DEN earned the Bronze Medal.
All ranking lists and the daily news.

Posted: 31st Jan 2016