More cold and less wind was the order of the day for the 199 participants in the 2010 Laser Midwinters East in Clearwater, Fla. Anemic breezes in the 5 to 8-knot range allowed only two races for the day.
In the Laser Standard Rasmus Myrgren claimed the top spot overall after posting a 2nd and an 8th-place finish yesterday. One point behind is the Canadian Lee Parkhill followed by Germanys Simon Grotelüschen. Two more Swedes, Emil Cedergårdh and Johan Wigforss round out the top 5. The former leader Nick Thompson (GBR) had a forgettable day with a DNF and DNC, which put him back in the pack. Olympic gold medalist Paul Goodison (GBR) dropped to 20 overall after getting black-flagged in Race 4 and finishing 12th in the last race. Much better fared John Bertrand (USA), the elder statesman of the fleet, who posted a 7th and a 3rd for 8 overall.
In the Laser Radials, Paige Railey (USA) scored two more bullets and tightened her grip on the lead 8 points ahead of Sari Multala (FIN) and 21 points ahead of Marit Bouwmeester (NED).
In the Laser 4.7 Columbian Esteban Echevarria opened a three-point lead over Juanky Perdomo from Puerto Rico and 17 over third-place holder Ravi Parent (USA).