Hyeres Europa Cup 2010: Day 2 and 3


During the second racing day in Hyeres a breeze of 10-14 knots expected the competitors increasing later to 15-16 knots. Again ideal sailing conditions so two races were run for all fleets.

The third racing day the first races were held in winds of 20-22 knots increasing later to 24-25. The Race committee feared further increase so the L4.7 fleet was sent ashore after the first race while a second race was run for the radials and the standards. In fact just the opposite happened: the breeze weakened to 10-12 knots with major shifts making sailing conditions trickier. By the end of the third day 5 race were run for the L4.7 and 6 for the others.

For the standards the podium is owned by the Swedish sailors: Jesper Stalheim, Emil Cerdergardh, and Rasmus Myrgren are sharing the lead. The Swedish sailing team chose not to go to the World Cup event in Palma instead they showed up in force in Hyeres.

For the radials the podium is shared between: Marci Rudawski POL, Louis Moysan FRA and Mattis Naud FRA.

For the L4.7 the leader board is: Leo Vilboux FRA, Guillome Rigot SUI and Hugo Fedrigucci FRA, but much can still happen the last day.

The complete list of results will be available at the www.coych.org website.

Posted: 4th Apr 2010