Hyeres Europa Cup 2010: Day 1


Despite the earlier than usual date for the first Europa Cup regatta of the year, a very large, record breaking, number of competitors showed up at registration: 138 L4.7, 278 radial and 100 standard sailors paid the 75 Euros registration fee. It looks like having three Europa Cup events in a row around the Easter school break period is paying off in participation numbers.

The weather forecast does not come as a surprise to anyone as strong winds are expected during the four days of the event in Hyeres.

As planned, two races were held the first racing day. 16-18 knots of steady wind nice sunshine provided perfect sailing conditions. The wind held up for the radials, while at the course of the L4.7 and standards the wind weakened to 10-12 knots for the second race.

For the standards the first two races were completely dominated by the Swedish sailors appropriating all podium places and beyond: Jesper Stalheim, Emil Cerdergardh, David Jansson and Victor Vasternas are sharing the lead. For the radials and the L4.7 the overall results were not available at the time of filing this report during the evening of racing day 1.

The complete list of results will be available at the www.coych.org website.

Posted: 3rd Apr 2010