2011 European Laser Championships - Ranking Deadline 22nd February


EC436: All Countries to Rank Applications or Declare Late Ranking Date for European Laser Championships 2011

16th February 2011


There are now just a few days left to rank or declare a late ranking date for the European Laser Championships 2011.

Any Countries that have not ranked their sailors by Tuesday 22nd February 2011 will lose their allocated places.

The deadline for either ranking applications for entry or declaring a late ranking date is Tuesday 22nd February 2011.

Allocated places will start being issued on Tuesday 22nd February for all 2011 European Laser Championships.

Here is what you need to do:

    * Go to ILCA ranking pages at: http://events.laserinternational.org/en/district/controlpanel
    * Log in with your details (if you no longer have your log-in details for this page, please contact ILCA)
    * Select link at the bottom of page called 'Process Championship Entry Applications'
    * Select European Laser Championship 2011 you require.
    * Select an age category
    * A new page will appear with a detailed explanation about entry offers and allocated places. Please make sure you read it.
          o RANK YOUR SAILORS NOW: If you are able to rank your sailors now, press submit at the bottom of the page. You will then see the list of sailors who applied in this category. Confirm whether they are members of your district, then order them according to your ranking. You can either accept or decline a sailor's application.
          o DECLARE A LATE RANKING DATE: If you are not able to rank your sailors at this point, go to the box called 'Do you need to register places without the sailors details?' and select 'yes'. You will then be asked to enter your late ranking date and the amount of places you wish to reserve.
            Remember you are guaranteeing to pay for any reserved places, even if you later decide that you no longer need them. Any unused places will still need to be paid for.
    * Repeat this process for all age categories

Any Countries that have not ranked their sailors by Tuesday 22nd February 2011 will lose their allocated places.  Also, any allocated places in excess of the number of ranked sailors for each championship will be lost for the Country, e.g. if you have 5 allocated places and only 3 ranked sailors on 22nd February 2011, the 2 spare places will be returned to ILCA for distribution to other Countries.

Please rank all of your sailors even if there is only one sailor or if you have more sailors than allocated places.  E.g. if you have 8 sailors and only 5 allocated places please rank all sailors from 1-8.  Sailors 1-5 will be given the allocated places but if any of the places are not taken up by the sailor ILCA would offer the place to the next ranked sailor on your ranking list.

If you decide to declare a late ranking date, please make sure you do not wait too long with your qualification/ranking in order to allow adequate time and opportunity for sailors to arrange the other aspects of their championship attendance - including accommodation, transport, a charter boat or arranging transport of their own boat.
If you are having any problems ranking your sailors, declaring a late qualification date or if you would like to be re-sent your login details please contact the ILCA Office urgently.

Kind Regards,
The ILCA Team

Posted: 17th Feb 2011